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“We create worlds, we inhabit worlds, worlds are effortful exciting things, made of star stuff, materials never leave this world they just keep recombining in the web of life.”

Astrology offers a way of finding our place in the world and the world in us, a way of attuning our being to a ‘pattern felt yet unseen’. As a living art Astrology is a wild tracking practice of light, of mythic time cycles - insists upon webbed thinking and re-members carnal consciousness to our extensive entangled ecological existence, both terrestrial and celestial. It is a powerful enabling technology, that plugs us into direct contact with the more than human world - to planetary beings, to planetary consciousness. Through the astrological encounter we are re-membered to our constellatory incarnation, a pulsing emergent weave, whereby we come to recognise and relate to the concrete as cosmological, sky beings and earth beings co-creating and co-mingling both curious and connected conductors.

From an Astrological subject position multiplicity is our carnal fabric - an astrological chart makes clear how our body/being is a biodiverse psychic ecosystem. Biodiversity keeps a community of multiples resilient and robust, we host all the planets, harbor with the twelve zodiac signs - we are constellatory creatures, a democracy of beings. Astrology holds reverence for people’s unique dimensionality and invites an ontological shift in perspective, potentiating imagination with a mythopoeticaly rich planetary consciousness, enhancing our capacity to complexly imagine psyche, a psyche that we reside within which in turn resides within us. We become alive and awake to ourselves and the world anew, with an ear tuned to the mythopoetic we recognise we are housed within vast spatial temporal stories that live on and through us, enact us. In this sense the Astrological sensibility is visceral, imaginative and terraforming, a inquisitive contemplative practice - ensouled and enchanted - concerned with keeping Eros, our life force, vital and vibrant. When Astrology becomes a living practice it connects us with the heart of the sky and increases our heart felt connection to the sky. The more we live and work with the Astrological art - craft - technology the more we come to know ourselves as emergent nature cultures in deep conversation with planetary collaborators and companions. Coming to know intimately the voices, habitats and habitats of each planet, sign, house we come to know their multiple expressions, how they might be at work within us, working us. Carnality can extend, the breadth of our knowing/sensing/experiencing expands, we can embrace and imbibe our slippery ecological edges. We can ontologically re-aggregate, become ontologically agile - enliven our trickster ear to the planets, recognising they don’t cause our actions but rather generate an energy, an influence over the whole universe inside us. How we come into relation with this influence, this dance, becomes the active enquiry. In time a knowing, a listening of a different kind is awakened, in turn Astrological insight gives itself to us - lived orientation alters, the question becomes a matter of ‘what our soul wants of us, wants with us’ (Hillman). Cultivating curiosity to the chart as a force field, a wise knowing field, is my invitation during a reading.  

An astrological is evidence for multiplicity - a portal for its sighting, to our luminous living reality, a pulsing membrane tracking the star cast of our polyvalence. Working with a chart is never complete - it is an ongoing iteration, a living relationship - which develops and deepens as we enliven as constellatory creatures - made of and with planetary energies. We become animated, emanated by alignments at different times, entrain our ear, our body, our being to their resonance within and around us - it is a process of active enchantment. Rather than a map an astrological chart is like a piece of art, a symphony, a dawn chorus that continues to emerge, a dream that has no one meaning - remains alive and illusive, generative and effusive. A chart does not offer answers rather a story, giving us additional ways to see, nourishes an awareness that is emergent and imaginative, substantiates a constellatory corporeality that delights in feeling, being a psychic multiplicity. An attuned Mercurial ear can hear the hidden intonation behind the circumstance, the mythic inside the track, listen through the layers of psyche that we reside within and are being dreamt by. Chart work helps hone the cutting edge of our growth, sharpens the mind, allows the heart to be an open nerve, cultivates sensitive somatic perception to the celestial and sacred at work everywhere always.

When working with the natal chart, and its subsidiaries, as a living interface of pulsing portals, a practical poetic technology of verb symbols an encounter is invoked to the throbbing planetary characters that permeate our porous corporeal emanation. We can come to welcome the wildness within ourselves, our strangeness, our difference we become accomplices in our lived life with a honed tactic for assuming uncertainty. Within this imaginary an astrological chart acts as a facilitator in stepping down the charge of stellar forces, to help handle and hear the planets as actualising forces rather than pictorial, symbolic representations - a presentation that is pulsing and processual. Consults become a collaborative act of re-membering, an investigative rapport of unpacking and exploring together . The focus is to enliven a radical receptivity rather than reduce a reading to a question of meaning and purpose. Holding this open stance the reading space becomes an opportunity to find and create fertile conditions for something new and unexpected to emerge, recognising and situating this possibility already at work within you, yet together we craft and create a fecund environment for it’s optimum flourishing.

Our time to together will seek to foster the capacity to listen into and celebrate your multiplicity, give voice to the range of ecologies that may be sedate, dormant or undernourished - enliven the riotous, vivacious biodiversity that has always embodied you, that you embody. As we take our first incarnate breath our constellation is cast - a constellation made up of the twelve zodiac signs, the eight plus planets and multiple asteroids - a polyphonic multivalent mesh. Our Astrological meeting will to be this constellatory symphony with the twelve signs being equivalent to twelve notes of a musical scale played in tandem, in endless combinations. Our work together is to attune to the whole symphony, to build relational rapport with the zodiac signs, planets and asteroids, to enliven all the different chords and modal signatures in an ongoing improvisation. My own constellatory weave is winged heavily by Mercury, I seek to be an acutely sensitive interlocutor to your celestial symphony. Our encounter will be an act of deep listening to your song, the celestial chord vibrating within/without. The reading space is neither reduced to the symbolic nor the archetypal alone, nor dictation or explanation rather an exploration and a play with resonance - actual and imaginative - that is dreaming you into existence. A space to encourage shape shifting ease, allow your teeming multiplicity full range, recognise what dream you are in and what else might be possible and encourage the dream of the chart its exquisite scope.

Its a pagan imagination I hope to awaken and work with, to behold and birth something vast and strange. That we both loose ourselves for a moment, and give shape to some restless memory that has been tapping quietly on your bones, align with an immanent field - a threshold of possibilities. In this way we allow ourselves to be dreamt by a deep earth/sky connection, enhance channels of receptivity in order to become apprentices to magic and mystery. When we work with an astrological correlation we are engaging in a revolutionary act, in that we begin to open up the furrows of communication between cosmos and psyche, open ourself to be dreamt through cosmos and psyche. Such a revolutionary act is light work - night work - shadow work - mystery work - epiphany work. My way of being with you is deeply relational, a relationship between me you, you sky, sky chart, emboldening substantially the holding of all - this - that lives within. To attune together to the medicine - message - murmurs of the planets and cultivate practices that bring about ever more direct communication with this dimension. The incisive, yet gentle attentiveness I bring to our sessions asks bigger questions and invites larger vistas of imagining & dreaming inviting the opportunity to edit yourself into boldness - dare to burn bright, to re-claim, re-member shifting the focus from meaning and purpose to cultivating a rapturous life whatever the state of experience within/without and gleefully engage in your ongoing formation.